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  • The Do's and Don'ts To Running a Promotion on Social Media


The Do's and Don'ts To Running a Promotion on Social Media

Rebecca Factor & Calista Vantarakis
Marketing & Communication Managers
Dream team and Marketing Power Duo are often thrown around the office when referring to theses two. Rebecca (Marketing Manager) and Calista (Communications Manager), complement each other in a way that JUST works, like popcorn and Maltesers. With BA's in Marketing up each of their sleeves and a real passion for thinking creatively and strategically, you'll find these two always on the lookout for the next industry trends and groundbreaking promotions.

Social media is well and truly a global phenomenon with approximately 2.62 billion users. It can be a versatile and cost-effective channel for promotions, but does come with its own set of terms and conditions or “house rules”. Here we share what you need to know when running a promotion on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram.


Whether it’s navigating terms and conditions or the design, implementation and management of your promotion, we can help. Get in contact with us @LinkedIn | info@edgepri.com | 1300 365 426.

Sources: 1. https://www.gadens.com/ 2. https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/instagram-ads-checklist
http://www.maxandbuddyconsulting.com.au/how-to-run-successful-consumer-promotions/?_sm_au_=iVV6sMHVFsM5WF5k 4. https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-promotion-tips/ 5. https://www.youtube.com/intl/en-GB/yt/advertise/resources/running-online-video-marketing-campaigns/ Accurate of September 2018