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  • Mobile insights to support your next campaign


Mobile insights to support your next campaign

Peter Wright
General Manager - IT
With over 30 years in the technology space, Peter has seen and been part of major technology innovation and disruption, from search, social networks, email marketing, mobile, and cyber security. Peter has his finger on the pulse of the tech world, recently focusing on data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Peter leads a like-minded passionate technology team that continues to implement innovative solutions that enrich both our clients working lives as well as better ours.

It’s a fact: we’re living in a mobile-first world. Mobile technology and smart phone integration over the past decade has cemented mobile as the mainstream digital device, communication tool and channel.

As Edge’s latest infographic shows, we live in a mobile-online world that’s redefined consumer expectations.

Insights on mobile technology confirm, globally mobile ownership is at prolific levels and it’s our preferred engagement tool. Mobile is also changing the way we shop, both online and in the real world too. We can predict a rapid growth in consumers expecting to be able to instantly claim rewards and engage with brands at the press of a button. With this in mind, a core objective for Edge has been to grow our promotional technologies set, supporting initiatives such as auto receipt validation, Shazam scanning, instant digital rewards and real-time CRM integration. It’s instant satisfaction for both you and your customer at the press of a button!


At Edge, we can help you leverage these insights with innovative mobile solutions. Get in contact with us on LinkedIn - we’d love to have you join us!