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  • How to Use Personalisation to Increase Brand Loyalty


How to Use Personalisation to Increase Brand Loyalty

Fergus Koochew
Fergus Koochew is the CEO of Edge. With a strong background in consulting and strategy, Fergus has led the digital transformation of the business and is dedicated to helping brands and agencies bring their promotional ideas to life.

Advances in technology have disrupted how we do business. As customers connect with brands through multiple channels, brands are empowered with informative data about their behaviour.

When marketers harness actionable insights from the multiple data channels available to them, they can create more engaging and relevant conversations with their customers. And in turn, customers feel more connected to and more loyal to their brands.

Do customers really like personalisation?

When it comes to personalisation through Big Data, the numbers tell a pretty comprehensive story. According to a recent survey by Salesforce, customers overwhelmingly prefer the power of personalisation. Check out these facts:

  • Two thirds of customers and businesses would consider switching brands if they didn’t feel treated like an individual.
  • 65% say exclusive and personalised offers influence their loyalty to brands.
  • Three quarters of consumers rate the attitude of a salesperson towards customer goals as very important when making purchasing decisions.
  • Over 70% of customers say customer service can affect their brand loyalty at any time and on any given day.
  • 7 in 10 consumers believe technology has made it much easier for them to take their business elsewhere.
  • Up to 63% of millennials and 58% of Gen Xers said they would be willing to share their data with companies that sent them personalised offers and discounts.

Clearly, customers who receive personalised marketing are happy customers.

And a happy customer isn’t just one who purchases again; they are a customer that is retained, upsold to and – most importantly – becomes a loyal advocate for your company.

So how do you go about building personalised campaigns?

Ensure you have accuracy in your CRM

A key ingredient for successful personalisation is high fidelity data touch points that feed into your Customer Relationship Management database. Multi-channel marketing campaigns can utilise data from the CRM to provide personal details, trigger events, and drive further data capture for greater granularity over customer habits and preferences.

Mine your data

Accurate data mining will help your brand predict customer behaviour. Despite this, only about 24% of executives know how to properly leverage data. Utilising data to build brand loyalty means more than simple using an individual’s name in their subject line of an email (though that can increase open rates by an average of 29.3 percent). Sophisticated personalisation uses names and email addresses, website and other browsing history, user preferences, mobile app behavior, social data, device location history and demographics, to name just a few sources. And it requires marketers to correlate a consumer’s behavior and purchases across channels.

Provide a seamless experience across multiple channels

With brands and consumers active across multiple spaces, from retail stores to social media and YouTube, consistency is essential. Brands can increase loyalty by coordinating their message across many channels for a consistent experience.

Offer real-time personalised promotions and offers

Customers are much more likely to respond to an offer or promotion if it is personalised and sent to them while they are actually shopping for a product or purchasing a service. Offer a discount for a product they are interested in, or suggest another product that would go well with what’s in their checkout, for example.

The possibilities are endless...

The more you know about your customers, the more opportunities you have for creating personalised experiences they will love. Consider offering them rewards that suit their tastes. Imagine the excitement a foodie would get from a personalised dining reward after a certain number of purchases, or offering a film buff some movie tickets when there’s a new release. Need some help creating rewards that work? Get in touch with Edge.