
Consumer connections count

Peter Wright
General Manager - IT
With over 30 years in the technology space, Peter has seen and been part of major technology innovation and disruption, from search, social networks, email marketing, mobile, and cyber security. Peter has his finger on the pulse of the tech world, recently focusing on data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Peter leads a like-minded passionate technology team that continues to implement innovative solutions that enrich both our clients working lives as well as better ours.

Our online and digitally based world has created an abundance of innovative opportunities for brands to amplify their consumer engagement.

By focusing on consumer needs, wants, and intentions at certain points in time, brands can create stronger and more meaningful ways to stand-out.

The key is there is no singular approach. Rather, to deliver effective campaigns we need to start thinking in terms of a sequence of moments.

Memorable moments connect us

Nike’s recent Jordan shoe launch is a Cannes Lion award-winning example showing how a brand can converge entertaining mobile content and in-app purchases.

When iconic NBA player Michael Jordan catapulted himself into the air during a 1988 slam dunk contest, the manoeuvre cemented his identity to fans and the shoe brand was born.

In 2018, Nike used augmented reality, social media and online payments to bring to life the 1988 moment. In a matter of minutes, consumers could connect to the brand through Snapchat, purchase the new sneaker and have it delivered same-day.

Although not every brand can deliver such a multifaceted product launch, all brands can still leverage insights around how people are connecting online.

Consumers prefer mobile to connect

In 2018 mobile continues to reign supreme for driving online connections.

In the Australian market, there are now more mobile subscribers than people. And according to Deloitte, smart phone devices are used by 91% of consumer households.

When you consider that Australia’s population is tracking at around 24.9 million; that means a lot of people are already using mobile to connect online. And when we’re connecting, we’re accessing entertainment, social networking and banking related content.

But the mobile craze isn’t only affecting Aussies. Kiwis are just as addicted to their screens for that instant online connection.

A recent Neilson study found 78% of New Zealander’s who are online, are accessing content via mobile devices, across multiple locations, and spend close to 18 hours connecting each week.

Mobile is invited to breakfast and dinner

More importantly the trends around mobile use highlight that around a third of consumers will also reach for their mobile to connect to the world in the first 5 minutes of waking in the morning. And even more perplexing is that a further two thirds access their mobile during meals with friends and family.

Edge can help your brand develop innovative solutions to connect with consumers. Get in contact with us @LinkedIn