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  • 4 steps to securing data for a promotion


4 steps to securing data for a promotion

Peter Wright
General Manager - IT
With over 30 years in the technology space, Peter has seen and been part of major technology innovation and disruption, from search, social networks, email marketing, mobile, and cyber security. Peter has his finger on the pulse of the tech world, recently focusing on data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Peter leads a like-minded passionate technology team that continues to implement innovative solutions that enrich both our clients working lives as well as better ours.

Consumers and brands alike are revelling in the benefits that digital, mobile and online technologies provide. It’s fulfilling our instant gratification needs. And with every digital exchange there is a data exchange, which is why securing this new type of currency is essential for brands.

Like a holiday maker managing their departure through the airport terminal, it’s only through the series of security checks taking place that you will get to the ultimate dream destination. When Edge develops digital promotional platforms for brands such as entry pages, claim forms and loyalty programs, data security solutions are used to protect and secure important private customer data.

1. Focus on data privacy

Security checks at the airport ticket counter help protect all travellers, foster trust and meet air travel standards. Equally, promotional solutions that protect data privacy, meet compliance standards, and safeguard customer data are essential before any data exchange. This includes following the Privacy laws in your region and making the policy clear and accessible for the customer.

Good data security should no longer be seen as an afterthought. It’s now integral to consider this in the planning stages to ensure business continuity, retention, and maintaining brand integrity. When a promotion solution is done right, both the customer and the brand feel reassured.

2. Storage solutions make the difference

Suitcase tagging is how a traveller’s most important luggage gets on the right flight and arrives ready for collection at the right destination. But if there is no security protocol in place, then lost luggage is the likely outcome.

Good data storage practices follow a similar process and always aim to ensure data is stored in its country of origin. And when checking what data storage solution to go with, good practice encourages brands to meet ‘SOC2’ and ‘ISO 2700’ compliance standards.

Edge have designed and implemented systems that protect our data processes to ensure data can be categorised, labelled, processed and stored securely. This includes implemented measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

3. Successful tech is only as good as its encryption

Protecting data from its conception and as it travels through any data exchange requires protection. For the traveller it’s a solid and aerodynamic plane combined with an experienced pilot.

In the data security world, it’s encryption that protects the customer between destinations. ‘SSL’ is the type of encryption required to protect customer data between a web server and browser.

4. Feel at rest with the right data solution

As a traveller, the business class lounge is a desired mid-way stop while in transit. It provides momentary relief before boarding the plan. But you can only obtain lounge access with the right boarding pass and member credentials.

The same notion applies to data at rest in the data security world. Azure Data Encryption is the business class lounge for data at rest. It provides encryption for SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL data files.

When working with Edge, we can protect and secure your important and private customer data when running your next promotion solution. Contact us today.